Turkish Delight Cheesecake Decorate this cheesecake simply with crushed pistachios or go fancy with rose petals, pomegranate seeds and nuts Show Recipe
Jam Tarts A simple sweet treat but an old favourite, also a great way to use up extra pastry and any jams or curds you have leftover. Show Recipe
Crumble Topping Use this as your base recipe for any crumble dessert. Simply sprinkle on top of stewed fruits such as apples and blackberries or rhubarb and strawberries bake and serve with custard for a perfect warming pudding Show Recipe
Blueberry Souffle This delightfully light blueberry soufflé recipe makes a sumptuous dessert Show Recipe
Savoury Blue Cheese and Pumpkin Cheesecake An alternative savoury cheesecake incorporating pumpkin and blue cheese Show Recipe
Juice Pulp Cake A cake made with the juice pulp of beetroot, carrots, ginger and apples and coated in cream cheese Show Recipe