Ingredients 1 Butter 225 grams Caster sugar 225 grams Ingredients 2 Eggs 4 beaten Ingredients 3 Plain flour 225 grams Lemon 1 zest ofBaking powder 1 Tbsp. Ingredients 4 Lemons 2 juice ofCaster sugar 85 grams
Getting started 1- Fit the K beater to the machine.2- Line the loaf tin with parchment paper.3- Pre heat the oven to 180ºC. Stage 1 1- Add Ingredients 1 (butter, sugar) into the Mixer bowl.2- Attach the Mixer bowl to the machine and fit the splash guard. 3- Mix on speed Max for 1 minute. 4- Scrape down the bowl.5- Mix on speed Max for 2 minutes or until light and fluffy. Stage 2 1- Add Ingredients 2 (eggs) into the Mixer bowl.2- Mix on speed 3 for 3 minutes. Stage 3 1- Add Ingredients 3 (flour, lemon zest, baking powder) into the Mixer bowl.2- Mix on speed Max for 30 seconds.3- Transfer the batter to the loaf tin.4- Bake for 50 minutes at 180ºC.5- Let cool.6- Prick the warm cake all over the top with a skewer. Stage 4 1- Add Ingredients 4 (lemon juice, sugar) to the small bowl.2- Mix until combined.3- Pour the contents of the small bowl over the top of the cake.4- Leave in the tin to cool completely.5- Serve.
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