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Brioche Crusted Lamb Chops served with a Potato Rosti

Serves: 6Course: MainCategories: LambMachine: Food ProcessorTotal time (min.): 90
Brioche_Crusted_Lamb_1.jpg Brioche_Crusted_Lamb_1.jpg

The secret to this dish is to coat the lamb with the crust a few minutes before the end of cooking. Some cooks coat the meat before cooking but this just results is an over cooked brittle mess.






To make the rosti:

  1. Peel and clean the potatoes.
  2. Attach the coarse shredding disc to the food processor and shred the potato.
  3. Drain the potato and then mix with the melted butter and seasoning.
  4. Heat a knob of butter in a 20cm frying pan.
  5. Add the potato mixture to the pan, press down firmly and cook gently for 10 minutes.
  6. If your frying pan can go into the oven place it into a preheated oven set at 160ºC.
  7. After an hour take the rosti out of the frying pan, leave to cool on a chopping board.
  8. When cooled you can slice the rosti into pieces. When you are ready to serve just brush with a little melted butter and place the rosti slices into the oven to warm through.

For the crust:

  1. Attach the knife blade to the food processor. Add the brioche, herbs, salt and pepper and process until the ingredients are combined.
  2. Remove the mix from the bowl and spread out onto a large plate.

To cook the lamb:

  1. Heat the oil in a frying pan.
  2. Place the lamb in the pan and brown on all sides.
  3. Turn the lamb to the fat side, cook for a few minutes and then place the lamb onto a baking sheet/tray into a preheated oven set at 180ºC.
  4. 3 minutes before the end of the cooking time, take the lamb out of the oven.
  5. Turn the lamb chops over and spread a little mustard onto the fat.
  6. Place the chop into the brioche mix fat side down and press down.
  7. Return the chop to the baking tray, with the crust upwards.
  8. Cook for the remaining time.
  9. Remember to rest the meat for 10 minutes before serving.

Chef’s tips: If your frying pan doesn’t go into the oven, carefully turn the potato mixture out onto a baking tray or make the rosti in a flan case. The time it will take to cook the meat will depend upon how good your oven is and the thickness of the meat cut; however as a rough guide if you want to have the meat medium, cook for 8 minutes, 12 minutes for well done.

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