Tento trhací chlieb je vynikajúcim spoločníkom rodinnej večery, alebo ho podávajte na obed s antipasti alebo domácou polievkou. Ak nemáte okrúhlu formu, môžete tento chlieb urobiť bez formy na obdĺžni...
Namrvte syr feta.
Parmezán nastrúhajte najemno.
Odstráňte stonky petržlenovej vňate a najemno ju nasekajte.
Najemno nasekajte pažítku.
Nahrubo nasekajte sušené paradajky.
Vymastite okrúhlu formu a vysteľte papierom na pečenie.
Zdvihnite hlavu kuchynského robota Chef Patissier XL a nasaďte tepelný chránič.
Na spotrebič nasaďte šľahač K-Beater.
Na spotrebič nasaďte misu mixéra.
Add Ingredients 1 (feta, parmesan, herbs, oil, pepper) into the Mixer bowl.
Start the speed on Min and gradually increase speed.
Mix on speed 3 for about 30 seconds until combined.
Remove the bowl from the machine.
Cover with cling film.
Chill in the fridge.
Attach the EasyWarm bowl to the machine, fit the Dough Tool.
Add Ingredients 2 (flour, yeast, salt, caster sugar, oil, water) into the EasyWarm bowl, fit the splash guard.
Knead on speed 1 for 5 minutes until elastic.
Remove the Dough Tool from the machine.
Prove on heat setting 2 for 1 hour.
Transfer the dough to a lightly floured worksurface.
Stretch the dough out and press gently to remove the air bubbles.
Roll the dough out into a rectangle about 25 cm x 35 cm (10 x 14") in size.
Scatter content of the Mixer bowl over the dough.
Add Ingredients 3 (tomatoes) onto the dough.
Roll up the dough, starting from the longer side, to make a log shape.
Cut the log into 7 equal pieces about 5 cm (2”) wide.
Place each piece of dough into the round tin.
Cover with a tea towel.
Nechajte 40 minút kysnúť.
Rúru predhrejte na 180 ºC.
Z formy vyberte utierku.
Vrchnú časť každého kusu cesta potrite prísadou 4 (vajce).
Pečte 45 minút pri 180 °C do zlatohneda.
Nechajte 10 minút mierne vychladnúť.
Podávajte teplé.
Tento trhací chlieb je vynikajúcim spoločníkom rodinnej večery, alebo ho podávajte na obed s antipasti alebo domácou polievkou. Ak nemáte okrúhlu formu, môžete tento chlieb urobiť bez formy na obdĺžni...
Namrvte syr feta.
Parmezán nastrúhajte najemno.
Odstráňte stonky petržlenovej vňate a najemno ju nasekajte.
Najemno nasekajte pažítku.
Nahrubo nasekajte sušené paradajky.
Vymastite okrúhlu formu a vysteľte papierom na pečenie.
Zdvihnite hlavu kuchynského robota Chef Patissier XL a nasaďte tepelný chránič.
Na spotrebič nasaďte šľahač K-Beater.
Na spotrebič nasaďte misu mixéra.
Add Ingredients 1 (feta, parmesan, herbs, oil, pepper) into the Mixer bowl.
Start the speed on Min and gradually increase speed.
Mix on speed 3 for about 30 seconds until combined.
Remove the bowl from the machine.
Cover with cling film.
Chill in the fridge.
Attach the EasyWarm bowl to the machine, fit the Dough Tool.
Add Ingredients 2 (flour, yeast, salt, caster sugar, oil, water) into the EasyWarm bowl, fit the splash guard.
Knead on speed 1 for 5 minutes until elastic.
Remove the Dough Tool from the machine.
Prove on heat setting 2 for 1 hour.
Transfer the dough to a lightly floured worksurface.
Stretch the dough out and press gently to remove the air bubbles.
Roll the dough out into a rectangle about 25 cm x 35 cm (10 x 14") in size.
Scatter content of the Mixer bowl over the dough.
Add Ingredients 3 (tomatoes) onto the dough.
Roll up the dough, starting from the longer side, to make a log shape.
Cut the log into 7 equal pieces about 5 cm (2”) wide.
Place each piece of dough into the round tin.
Cover with a tea towel.
Nechajte 40 minút kysnúť.
Rúru predhrejte na 180 ºC.
Z formy vyberte utierku.
Vrchnú časť každého kusu cesta potrite prísadou 4 (vajce).
Pečte 45 minút pri 180 °C do zlatohneda.
Nechajte 10 minút mierne vychladnúť.
Podávajte teplé.