Steam the potatoes in the stainless steel container (15 to 20 min depending on the size of the pieces), water at 130°C
Fry the cumin in olive oil (2 tablespoons) and coriander until brown (mixer 4, 100°) for 5 min
Add the garlic, pureed ginger, and the onion and cook at 120° for 5 min mixer 5
Add the cooked potatoes , 5 mins at 90°, mixer 5
Add coriander and/or chilli powder just before serving
Steam the potatoes in the stainless steel container (15 to 20 min depending on the size of the pieces), water at 130°C
Fry the cumin in olive oil (2 tablespoons) and coriander until brown (mixer 4, 100°) for 5 min
Add the garlic, pureed ginger, and the onion and cook at 120° for 5 min mixer 5
Add the cooked potatoes , 5 mins at 90°, mixer 5
Add coriander and/or chilli powder just before serving