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Environmental & Compliance

Certification and Compliance to International Standards:

​​​​​​​At Kenwood we operate an Integrated Management System comprising of:
  • ISO9001 - Quality Management System - Certified by Bureau Veritas (IT307959-005)
  • ISO14001 - Environmental Management System - Compliance certified by NDC (NDC/DEL/20 20200512>
  • ISO45001 - Occupational Health & Safety Management System - Compliance certified by NDC (NDC/DEL/20 20200519)

Compliance with Environmental Legislations:
  • BPA free products (see 'BPA' section below)
  • MiCWF – Materials in Contact With Food
  • REACh – Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation of Chemicals
  • RoHS – Restriction of Hazardous Substances

Kenwood have been making safe products for over 60 years and we will continue to lead the way in making safe products that you and your families can be confident in.

Bisphenol A (BPA)

What is BPA?

Bisphenol A (BPA) is a chemical that is used primarily in the manufacture of polycarbonate (PC) raw material plastic. PC is a plastic that is often used in mouldings for food packaging; for example in drinks bottles.

BPA however can on rare occasions be found in other plastic materials – this is why Kenwood check all plastic components in contact with food.

What is the concern about BPA?

BPA is a chemical that in sufficient doses can mimic the action of the human hormone oestrogen. This can cause health problems to humans.

When PC is manufactured the BPA content is consumed by the raw material manufacturing process, however small quantities of BPA can migrate from PC plastic over time, or when exposed to excessive heat or conditions outside of normal use. Many consumers are concerned about exposure to BPA, especially for infants, from this migrating, which has led to some countries already legislating about the levels of BPA in baby bottles.

What have Kenwood done about BPA?

  • From the beginning of 2013 we have stopped using PC in all components in contact with food for all of our new products.

  • We test every plastic component that comes into contact with food to ensure that any migration falls below the accepted level before products are put on the market, a product will not be sold until we hold test reports that show no BPA is detected. These tests are carried out by specialised independent laboratories.

  • We have management systems in place to regularly check food contact on our components, these include declarations for our supply chains, factory audits and on-going product surveillance testing.


Materials in Contact With Food

Food contact legislations
What is Materials in Contact with Food?

Many of our products include parts that come into direct contact with food. Food contact legislations define the safe limits of migration of certain substances from these parts into the food.

​​​​​​​What we do to control any migration of substances

  • We test every component that comes into contact with food to ensure that the part complies with all applicable legislation before products are put on the market.

  • A product will not be sold until we hold test reports that show the parts PASS the food contact legislation for the market in which it will be sold.

  • These tests are done by specialised independent laboratories. The laboratories use scientific machines that very accurately check compliance so that when the test shows a PASS result we know we comply with the appropriate legislation.

  • We have management systems in place to regularly police food contact parts, these include declarations from our supply chains, factory audits and on-going product surveillance tests.

    Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)

    Responsible Recycling

    At Kenwood we take our environmental responsibilities very seriously, unwanted electrical equipment is the UK’s fastest growing type of waste. Many electrical items can be repaired or recycled, saving natural resources and the environment. If you do not recycle, electrical equipment will end up in landfill where hazardous substances will leak out and cause soil and water contamination – harming wildlife and human health. To remind you that old electrical equipment can be recycled, it is now marked with a crossed-out wheeled bin symbol.
    Please do not throw any electrical equipment (including those marked with the crossed out wheeled bin symbol) in your bin.  In the UK, distributors (including retailers) are required to provide a system which allows all customers buying new electrical equipment the opportunity to recycle their old items free of charge. As a responsible retailer, Kenwood have met these requirements by financially supporting the national network of WEEE recycling centres established by local authorities.  Kenwood are also a founder member of the REPIC WEEE Compliance Scheme, to find out more information about recycling and where your nearest recycling centre is click the REPIC button below.

    Find out more here. 

    REACh and RoHS

    Chemicals and hazardous substances legislation

    What is REACh?

    Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation of Chemicals legislation.

    This legislation controls chemicals and substances. For our business it defines the safe levels of certain substances within the products, packaging and spare parts we place on the market.

    What is RoHS?

    Restriction of Hazardous Substances legislation.

    This legislation restricts hazardous substances within the products we place on the market.

    What we do to control substances

    • We hold declarations from our supply chains to show that every product complies with REACh legislations before products are put on the market.

    • We hold declarations from our supply chains to show that every component complies with RoHS legislation before products are put on the market.

    • A product will not be sold until we hold test reports and or declarations that show the parts comply with both legislations.

    • Tests are done by expert independent laboratories. The laboratories use scientific machines that very accurately check compliance so that when the test shows a PASS result we know we comply with the appropriate legislation.

    • We have management systems in place to regularly police hazardous materials, these include declarations from our supply chains, factory audits and on-going product surveillance tests.

    UK Tax Strategy

    Our Commitment to Compliance

    As the UK presence of the De’Longhi group, Kenwood UK ( comprised of Kenwood Appliances Ltd, Kenwood International Ltd and Kenwood Ltd ) is committed to conducting its tax affairs in accordance with the following objectives:

    Commitment to Compliance

    Kenwood UK is committed to ensuring full and timely compliance with all laws, regulations and payment / reporting requirements in the UK and beyond.  Tax incentives and reliefs ( such as those to encourage UK Research and Development) will be utilised where available but not in such a way that contradicts the intent of the ruling legislation.

    Attitude towards tax planning

    Kenwood UK aims to be efficiently organised, focussed on the commercial needs of the markets, customers and wider corporate group. Tax planning that lacks commercial substance will not be engaged in and the company will have at it’s base a commitment to uphold the reputation of the De’Longhi group, it’s brands and the history of the Kenwood name.

    Level of tax Risk

    Kenwood UK seeks to minimise UK tax risks arising from uncertainty over the interpretation of tax law and from changing tax rules. Professional advice from independent advisors is taken when required and tax risks are discussed, or advanced clearances sought , from relevant tax authorities where appropriate .

    Working Relationship with HMRC

    The company wishes to at all times maintain a proactive, open, mutually respectful  and honest relationship with HMRC.  Kenwood UK recognises the benefits of discussing tax issues and development with HMRC and assists the group’s Customer Compliance Manager (CCM) whenever requested.

    [This tax strategy has been approved by representatives of the Kenwood UK and De’Longhi Boards  and is considered to be in compliance with the requirements of Schedule 19 Finance Act 2016 and has been reviewed and updated during Dec 18]