Not just your average stand mixer
No need for an additional appliance, simply attach your Compact Chopper/Mill to your Prospero+ and create amazing herbs, spices and dressings for your meal creations.
La vostra Prospero+ è molto più di una semplice impastatrice e vi permette di tritare, sminuzzare e macinare comodamente a casa vostra. Potete utilizzare questo tritatutto compatto per tritare e macinare erbe e spezie
No need for an additional appliance, simply attach your Compact Chopper/Mill to your Prospero+ and create amazing herbs, spices and dressings for your meal creations.
Go beyond baking with a wide range of Prospero+ attachments, whether it's chopping and slicing in a food processor, extracting all the goodness with your citrus juicer, or grinding herbs and nuts for your meal masterpiece. Make it your Prospero+