Peel, destem and crush the garlic.
Peel the onion and finely slice.
Peel the ginger and finely chop.
Cut the tomatoes in quarters.
Sterilise the jars.
Lift the Cooking Chef head and fit the heat shield.
Fit the stir tool to the machine.
Attach the Cooking Chef bowl to the machine and fit the Stir assist clip.
Add Ingredients 1 (olive oil) into the Cooking Chef bowl, fit the splash guard.
Cook at 100ºC on Stir Speed 1 for 1 minute until hot.
Add Ingredients 2 (garlic, onion, spices) to the bowl.
Cook at 95ºC on Stir Speed 1 for 6 minutes until translucent.
Add Ingredients 3 (tomatoes, sugar, vinegar, salt) to the bowl.
Cook at 95ºC on Stir Speed 1 for 40 minutes until the liquid evaporated.
Remove the splash guard.
Cook at 105ºC on Stir Speed 1 for 5 minutes until thickened.
Transfer the mixture into the sterilised jars and leave to cool.
Refrigerate until ready to use.