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Chef Bar to Twist -sovitin KAT002ME

  • €29.90
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Tuotteen tiedot

Chef Bar -sovittimella voidaan käyttää vanhanmallisia Bar-lisäosia uudemman mallisen Kenwood-keittiökoneen kanssa – näin lisäosia ei tarvitse vaihtaa kokonaan uusiin. Sovitin on helppo kiinnittää hitaan nopeuden lähtöön – tämä antaa joustavuuden luoda monipuolisen valikoiman maukkaita aterioita ja herkkuja yhdellä ainoalla koneella.


If you own older bar attachments and have just recently upgraded your Kenwood stand mixer, you will still be able to use your old attachments without the need to replace them. If you own older bar attachments and have just recently upgraded your Kenwood stand mixer, you will still be able to use your old attachments without the need to replace them. Kenwood’s bar-to-twist adaptor KAT002ME will provide you with the full flexibility to create a whole range of delicious dishes and treats using just one stand mixer. Kenwood’s bar-to-twist adaptor KAT002ME will provide you with the full flexibility to create a whole range of delicious dishes and treats using just one stand mixer.


Meat grinder, grain miller, slow juicer, roto cutter, pasta roller – the possibilities of creativity is endless. If you are eyeing a certain appliance but worried about storage and counter space, these attachments will be a great solution. Expand your culinary skills and appliances assortment with these attachments - Your kitchen will never be the same again. If you need assistance with the right optional attachment for your kitchen machine, find more information in our stand mixer attachment compatibility guide, or chat with us to find out more.

Tekniset tiedot

Yleiset tekniset tiedot

Rungon materiaali: Alumiinia ja ruostumatonta terästä
Koko (P x L x K) (cm): 5 x 4.2 x 6
Paino (kg): 0.11
Väri: Hopea
Katso käyttöohjeet