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Priključki za pripravo hrane

Priključek za rezanje na kocke KAX400PL


  • 139,90 €*
*DDV vključen

Podrobnosti o izdelku

Priključek za rezanje na kocke hitro in enakomerno nareže vaše sestavine na popolne 1 cm velike kocke. V nekaj trenutkih poskrbite za enakomerno peko zelenjave ali pripravite sestavine za okusno omako in solate.

Ključne funkcije

Perfect preparation
Perfect preparation The durable stainless steel slicing disc and grid produces consistent 1cm cubes for perfect food praparation every time.
Quantity control
Quantity control Designed without a bowl to allow a continuous action for large quantities; great for that summer BBQ coleslaw, party salsa or the festive vegetable preparation.
Fast and versatile
Fast and versatile Dices a variety of ingredients regardless of texture, including fruits, vegetables, meats and cheeses.



splošne specifikacije

Material ohišja: Plastic & aluminium
Velikost (DxŠxV) (cm): 18.5 x 21.2 x 26.7
Teža (kg): 1.7
Barva: Grey


Prostornina (L): Continuous


Odvod: Slow speed outlet
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